The COACH Program has been extensively published in peer reviewed medical journals

Unique features

A major point of difference between The COACH Program and all other programs is that The COACH Program identifies ‘treatment gaps’ in the management of each patient’s disease risk factors – i.e. gaps in treatment that patients should be receiving, according to the national guidelines, but are not receiving.

Unique features of The COACH Program compared with other programs:

Once the gaps in treatment are identified, coaches educate and advise on how the patient can close the ‘treatment gaps’ and achieve the guideline recommended target levels for their particular risk factors while they work in partnership with their usual doctors.

Coaches also encourage patients to work with their usual doctors to achieve the most practical medication regimens possible to facilitate adherence to recommended therapy. Patients are coached to make all appropriate lifestyle changes as recommended by the guidelines to assist in achieving their risk factor targets.


Why it’s

There is a ‘gap’ between the guideline recommended treatments patients with chronic disease should be receiving as against what they are actually receiving.

> Why it’s needed


Proven to help people achieve better health.

> Program benefits


Australia’s most widely used coaching program for prevention of chronic disease.

> Health organisations
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