Health funds

The COACH Program has been rolled out into the health system in such a way that it becomes an integral part of the organisation.

We provide training, software and support for qualified health professionals (employed by health benefit organisations) to coach people with chronic disease or at high risk of chronic disease to achieve and maintain the target levels for their modifiable risk factors and to take the medications as recommended by the national evidence-based guidelines for the management of their chronic disease(s).

What we do:

  • Develop training systems, manuals and software with regard to a specific disease using all of the official evidence-based guidelines for each medical condition.  Note that guidelines are unique to each country.
  • Ensure that all local medical guidelines are used for each country implementing The COACH Program.
  • Integrate all evidence-based guidelines to cater for patients with more than one medical condition.
  • Work with physician advisers in each specialty area regarding practical implementation of the medical guidelines, acceptability to doctors and develop consensus processes where there are gaps in the medical guidelines.
  • Identify patient cohorts that will benefit from implementation of the program.
  • Assist in identifying the best candidates to employ as “health professional coaches”.
  • Train “coaches” who are employed by health organisations.
  • An overview/review function of the “coaches” in the early stages of the program.
  • Assist customers with the process of enrolling patients into the program.
  • Regular performance evaluation and continuous quality improvement of the program.
  • Working with customers to quantify the financial benefit from outcomes (i.e. the cost of treatment for those on the program against those with an identical disease not on the program).
  • The value of individual disease modules within the program is maintained through ensuring that advances in medicine are updated and included in the program on an ongoing basis.


Customer based evaluation & outcomes

The KPIs from the program are all obtained from The COACH Program software application including detailed recruitment statistics, baseline clinical, social and demographic characteristics, the proportion of coached patients achieving guideline recommended risk factor targets; the proportion of coached patients taking the recommended medications.

The current customer base have conducted their own extensive research of patients that have been offered The COACH Program and those who were not offered The COACH Program. The outcome of these results have highlighted the financial benefit achieved by customers when assessing the costs of delivering health outcomes to patients on The COACH Program against those not utilising The COACH Program and these financial results have led to expansion of the program with existing customers.


The COACH Program is accredited by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS) since November 2010.

Surveyors from the ACHS (Nov 2010) reported that:

  • Training and program implementation was reviewed by the survey team and considered to be of the highest standard
  • The COACH Program excels in providing feedback on evaluation of the customer outcomes, e.g. six monthly reports
  • The COACH Program works closely with its customers to ensure planning and delivery meets the customer’s needs
  • The whole program is structured on evidence-based practice on several years of research and development. The clinical content is based on guidelines from specialty bodies, e.g. NHF and there have been several published papers on the research findings


Surveyors from the ACHS reported that the overall quality of culture of The COACH Program is driven by:

  • The peer reviewed research that underpins the evidence- based nature of the program
  • The extensive involvement of the Director on various national committees that are responsible for the development of the guidelines
  • The excellent and documented feedback systems and the availability of the team to promote rapid response to customers
  • The detailed six monthly comprehensive customer reports that provide KPI data on the effectiveness and efficiency of the business that is generated by the customer using The COACH Program




2009 Telstra Australian
Business of the Year

Awarded at the Telstra Business
Awards National Presentation
Dinner Hilton – Sydney
20 August 2009


2009 Telstra Victorian
Business of the Year

Awarded at the Telstra
Business Awards State
Presentation Dinner Grand
Hyatt Savoy Ballroom –
31 July 2009


2009 Victorian AMP
Innovation Award

Awarded at the Telstra Business
Awards State Presentation Dinner
Grand Hyatt Savoy Ballroom –
31 July 2009


2006 Australian Healthcare
Association Baxter Healthcare
National Innovation Award

Awarded at AHA National
Congress – Brisbane
9 November 9 2006


2003 Premier’s
Commendation for
Medical Research

Awarded by the Premier of
Victoria, Mr Steve Bracks, to
Dr Vale at Government
House on
2 June 2003


2002 Ralph Reader Prize
for Clinical Science

Awarded by The Cardiac
Society of Australia &
New Zealand at the XIVth World
Congress of Cardiology – Sydney
5-9 May 2002


Young Investigator Award

At the 5th International
Conference on Preventive
Cardiology – Osaka, Japan
27-31 May 2001

Why it’s

There is a ‘gap’ between the guideline recommended treatments patients with chronic disease should be receiving as against what they are actually receiving.

> Why it’s needed


Proven to help people achieve better health.

> Program benefits


The COACH Program leads the world with its innovative coaching prevention program for people with chronic disease.

> The Coach program
© Copyright 2025 - The COACH Program.