Unique features
A major distinguishing feature of The COACH Program compared with all other coaching programs is that coaches


The COACH Program has been extensively published in peer reviewed medical journals. This peer reviewed research underpins the evidence-based nature of the program.

Publications (in peer reviewed medical journals)
Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Santamaria JD. Coaching patients with coronary heart disease to achieve the target cholesterol: a method to bridge the gap between evidence-based medicine and the ‘real world’. Randomized controlled trial. J Clin Epidemiol 2002; 55: 245-252.

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD. How many patients with coronary heart disease are not achieving their risk factor targets? Experience in Victoria 1996-1998 versus 1999-2000. Med J Aust 2002; 176: 211-215.

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Harris PJ. Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial of Coaching Patients On Achieving Cardiovascular Health (COACH). American College of Cardiology Extended Learning (ACCEL). An International Audio Journal of Contemporary Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery. February 2002; Volume 54 (2): Side 2.

Key contributor to: Lipid management guidelines 2001. National Heart Foundation of Australia, The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Med J Aust 2001; 175(5 November Suppl.): S57-S85.

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Dart AM, Grigg LE, Hare DL, Ho BP, Newman RW, McNeil JJ. Coaching Patients On Achieving Cardiovascular Health (COACH); A Multicenter Randomized Trial in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Arch Intern Med 2003; 163: 2775-83.

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV & Best JD. Impact of Coaching Patients on Coronary Risk Factors: Lessons from The COACH Program. Disease Management and Health Outcomes 2005; 13(4): 225-244 (review).

Vale MJ. Intensive lipid lowering with atorvastatin reduces progression of coronary atherosclerosis, as measured by intravascular ultrasound. Commentary. Evidence-based Healthcare and Public Health 2004; 8: 298-301.

Vale MJ. Commentary on: Nurse-led community-based care may reduce the risk of heart disease in black people at high risk. Evidence-based Cardiovascular Medicine 2005; 9: 213-214.

Key contributor to: Position Statement on Lipid Management – 2005. National Heart Foundation of Australia and the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. Heart, Lung and Circulation 2005; 14: 275-92.

Young D, Furler J, Vale M, Walker C, Segal L, Dunning P, Best J, Blackberry I, Audehm R, Sulaiman N, Dunbar J, Chondros P. Patient Engagement and Coaching for Health: The PEACH study – a cluster randomised controlled trial using the telephone to coach people with type 2 diabetes to engage with their GPs to improve diabetes care: a study protocol. BMC Family Practice 2007, 8:20 doi:10.1186/1471-2296-8-20.

Vale MJ. Coaching Models of Behavioural Change. Cardiology in General Practice 2008; 5: 30 (editorial).

Jelinek MJ, Vale MJ, Liew D, Grigg LE, Dart AM, Hare DL, Best JD. The COACH Program produces sustained improvements in cardiovascular risk factors and adherence to recommended medications – 2 year follow-up. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 2009;18(6): 388-92.

Boffa U, Palkar P, Danielewski S, Cosgriff G, Gloury P, Orchard R, Wong C, Vale M. A packaged secondary prevention program outside primary care. Int J Cardiol, 2010; 145(3): 596.

Ademi Z, Reid CM, Hollingsworth B, Stoewinder J, Steg PG, Bhatt DL, Liew D, Vale M; Reach Registry Investigators. Cost-effectiveness of optimizing use of statins in Australia: Using outpatient data from the REACH Registry. Clinical Therapeutics; 2011; 33(10): 1456-1465.
Jelinek MV, Santamaria JD, Thompson DR, Vale MJ. ‘Fit for purpose’. The COACH Program improves lifestyle and biomedical risk factors. Heart 2012; 98:1608.

Commentaries of publications
Coaching by non-drug prescribing health professionals reduced total cholesterol concentrations in coronary heart disease. Commentary by David L Bronson MD, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Evid Based Med 2004; Jul/Aug 9(4): 118.

Coaching by non-drug prescribing health professionals reduced total cholesterol concentrations in coronary heart disease. Commentary by Tranmer JE, Kingston General Hospital and Queens’s University, Ontario, Canada. Evid Based Nurs 2004; Jul 7(3): 81.

Impact of Nonphysician Coaching on Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Commentary by Stephen D. Persell, MD, MPH. JCOM 2004; 11(3): 142-3.

Coaching Patients on Cardiovascular Health Goals. Commentary by Karl E. Miller, MD. American Family Physician, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Academy of Family Physicians. 2004; Jul 15.

Coaching Patients On Achieving Cardiovascular Health (COACH). A Multicenter Randomized Trial in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. American College of Cardiology Current Review Journal 2004; March 13(3): 28.

Scientific presentations
Abstracts and Invited Presentations on The COACH Program
8th Annual National Conference of the Australian Disease Management Association
September 13-14, 2012, Melbourne

Invited speaker to pre-conference workshop: Training and Competencies for the CDM Workforce
September 12, 2012

Oral presentation: The COACH Program delivered from Queensland Health’s Health Contact Centre improves coronary risk factors and adherence to recommended medications in Indigenous Queenslanders.

Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
August 16-19, 2012, Brisbane

Oral presentation: Risk factor status and response to The COACH Program (TCP) in private and public patients with cardiovascular disease

Oral presentation: Impact of The COACH Program (TCP) on coronary risk factors (CRF) in 5544 patients with CHD from 2007 to 2011.

Oral presentation: Impact of The COACH Program on coronary risk factors (CRFs) in Australians from different areas of remoteness.

Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
May 31, 2012

Oral presentation; Impact of The COACH Program on coronary risk factors and adherence to recommended medications in Working and Non Working Australians.

International Forum on Quality & Safety in Healthcare Solutions for Tough Times
April 17-20, 2012, Le Palais des Congrès de Paris, France

Impact of The COACH Program on coronary risk factors and adherence to recommended medications in Australians from different areas of remoteness.

2nd ILSI-Centre for Health Innovation & Partnership Symposium / NSW Government – Community Health and Wellbeing Through Multi-Sectoral Partnerships
December 6, 2011, University of Western Sydney, Blacktown, NSW, Australia

Dr MJ Vale, invited speaker on telephone coaching and The COACH Program

7th Annual National Australian Disease Management Association Conference
August 25-26, 2011, Canberra, Australia

Dr MJ Vale, invited speaker: Evaluation of The COACH Program in the in the public and private health sectors

Oral presentation: Impact of The COACH Program on coronary risk factors and adherence to medications in Indigenous and Non-indigenous Australians – A QLD Health experience: Janine Wilson, G Bennett, M Vale, S Gannon, Queensland Health and Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne.

Oral presentation: Impact of The COACH Program on coronary risk factors and adherence to recommended medications in Australians from different areas of remoteness: Dr Umberto Boffa et al. Bupa Australia, Government of WA, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne.

Oral presentation: Good Practice is Good Business: Reducing Health Insurer costs by implementing an evidence-based cardiovascular risk factor modification program – The COACH Program: Dr Daryl Bull et al. nib Health Funds and Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne.

Heart Foundation Conference 2011
March 17-19, 2011, Melbourne, Australia

The COACH Program results in reduced hospital admission costs within 2 years: Experience at nib Health Funds. Dr Daryl Bull et al. nib Health Funds and Department of Medicine, The University of Melbourne. Available at:

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV. The COACH Program in preventive cardiology. Available at:

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Tonkin AM, Best JD. Risk factor status and response to The COACH Program in public and private cardiovascular patients. Available at:

58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
August 5-8, 2010, Adelaide, Australia.

The COACH Program – Translating Evidence-Based Research into Routine Clinical

European Society of Cardiology Congress 2010
August 28 to September 1, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden

D. Liew1, M. Vale1, J. Kingston2, M. Jelinek3, A.M. Tonkin4, J.D. Best1, 1The University of Melbourne, Department of Medicine, St Vincent’s Hospital – Melbourne, 2The COACH Program – Melbourne, 3St Vincent’s Hospital – Melbourne – Australia, 4Monash University, Department of Epidemiology; Preventive Medicine – Melbourne – Australia,
The COACH program is cost-effective for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease. European Heart Journal, 2010; 31: Suppl: 227.

National Telemedicine Summit
March 16-17, 2009, Sydney, Australia

Invited presentation: The COACH Program – The only evidence-based, telephone delivered, coaching program for patients with chronic disease.

Heart Foundation Conference, May 14-16, 2009
Vale MJ. The COACH Program: Past Present and Future

ACRA Annual Conference 2009
August 9-10, 2009, Sydney, Australia

McCarter V. The COACH Program, targeting complex cardiac patients.

General Practice & Primary Health Care Research Conference
July 15-17, July, 2009, Melbourne, Australia

Young D et al. Social risk factors in relation to HbA1c in poorly controlled type 2 diabetes
patients attending general practice.

45th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
September 29 – October 2, 2009, Vienna Austria

Young et al. Patient Engagement and Coaching for Health (PEACH): Baseline characteristics of patients with type 2 diabetes in cluster RCT of intensive treatment in General Practice in Australia.

Chronic Disease Management Australia 2008
April 1-3, 2008, Sydney, Australia

Examining the value of CDM programs in Australia.

2008 General Practice and Primary Health Care Research Conference.
June, 2008, Hobart, Australia

Furler J, Blackberry I, Walker C, Vale M, Young D. Barriers to innovation in the role of Practice Nurses: Lessons learnt from the Patient Engagement And Coaching for Health (PEACH) study.

Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting & the
International Society for Heart Research Australasian Section Annual Scientific Meeting
August 7-10, 2008, Adelaide, Australia

Jelinek MV, Vale MJ, Dart A, Grigg L, Hare DL, Best JD. The COACH Program produces sustained improvements in cardiovascular risk factors and adherence to recommended medications – 18 month follow-up. Heart Lung and Circulation. 2008; 17: Suppl 3: 482.

18th Annual Scientific Meeting and Exhibition of the Australian Cardiovascular
Health and Rehabilitation Association and the 12th Annual Chronic Disease Network Conference
August 13-15, Alice Springs, Australia

McLean H, Gibson K, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV. Catch the COACH to way out West. The COACH Program in WA, The Royal Perth Hospital Experience.

The Australian Disease Management Association (ADMA)
3rd Annual National Conference
September 4-5, 2008, Sydney, Australia

Invited presentation: The COACH Program

The Private Hospitals Association of Qld Inc. Innovative practice in the private sector
June 22, 2007, Brisbane, Queensland

Keynote presentation: The COACH Program and its potential application in the private sector.

Pharmacy Australia Congress 2007
August 24, 2007, Melbourne

Vale MJ. The COACH Program – secondary prevention of CVD.

Heart Foundation Conference and Scientific Meeting
March 23-25, 2006, Sydney, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, O’Grady K, Hall G, Grigg LE, Ballis S, Dart AM, Rizzuto A, Hare DL. The COACH Program is conventional care in four hospitals in Melbourne: The first 3 years experience

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Alexander LC, Valle R. Do patients maintain their risk factor status and medication adherence after completing the intensive phase of The COACH Program?

Burton L, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Cherny V, Fisher R. The COACH Program in General Practice: The Melbourne Division of General Practice Experience.

Royal Australian College of Physicians Congress
Australasian Faculty of Occupational Medicine
May 7-11, 2006, Cairns, Australia

Vale MJ, Sundararajan V, Best JD, Jelinek MV. Do cardiovascular disease management programs keep patients out of hospital by their impact on psychological factors rather than biomedical risk factors? – 4-year follow-up of the COACH study

2006 GP & Primary Health Care Research Conference: Optimising Impact
July 5-7, 2006, Perth, WA, Australia

Young D, Furler J, Walker C, Vale MJ, Best JD, Segal L. PEACH-patient engagement and coaching for health in patients with type 2 Diabetes – the COACH model.

Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting & International Society for Heart Research Annual Scientific Meeting
August 4-7, 2006, Canberra, Australia

Jelinek MV, Vale MJ, Best JD, Hare DL. The independent impact of The COACH Program (TCP) and Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) on self assessed health, mood and fitness: the COACH study. Heart Lung and Circulation 2006; 15S: Suppl 1: 20.

O’Grady K, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Di Giulio JP, Vale MJ. Ezetimibe in the ‘real world’: The COACH Program experience. Heart Lung and Circulation 2006; 15S: Suppl 1: 155.

The Australian Disease Management Association (ADMA)
2nd Annual National Conference “Evidence-based disease management in the 21st Century”
September 7-8, 2006, Melbourne, Australia.

Invited plenary session: The COACH Program: An evidence-based, telephone delivered, disease management program proven to reduce hospital readmissions in patients with coronary heart disease.

16th Annual Conference of the Australian Cardiac Rehabilitation Association: Choices and Challenges
August 10-12, 2006, Melbourne, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Alexander LC, Valle R. Do patients maintain their risk factor status and medication adherence after completing the intensive phase of The COACH Program?

St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne Research Week 2006
August 21-23, 2006

Alexander L, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Valle R. Do patients maintain their risk factor status and medication adherence after completing the intensive phase of The COACH Program? Research Week 2006 Abstract Book: A06.

O’Grady K, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Di Giulio JP, Vale MJ. Ezetimibe in the ‘real world’: The COACH Program experience. Research Week 2006 Abstract Book: A20.

Australian Atherosclerosis Society Annual Scientific Meeting
October 3-6, 2006, Couran Cove Island Resort, Queensland, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD. The COACH Program: An evidence-based, telephone delivered, disease management program proven to reduce hospital admissions in patients with coronary heart disease.

2006 Australian General Practice Network Forum
November 25-28, 2006, Gold Coast, Queensland

Burton L, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Cherny V, Seegar M, Goldfinch D. The COACH Program in General Practice: a review of the Melbourne Division of General Practice Experience.

6th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology
May 21-25, 2005, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil

Invited speaker: New models of care in preventive cardiology
Topic: Improving treatment of coronary disease: The COACH Study

23rd National Conference of the Dietitians Association of Australia
May 26-28, 2005, Perth, Western Australia

Burton L, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Bilimoria N, Cherny V, Fisher R. The COACH Program in General Practice: The Melbourne Division of General Practice Experience.

15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Cardiac Rehabilitation Association
August 3-5, 2005, Fremantle, Western Australia

Vale MJ, Rizzuto A, Jelinek MV, Best JD, O’Grady K, DL Hare, Hall G, Calkin C, LE Grigg, Dart A. Evaluation of The COACH Program in the ‘real world’. Burton L, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Bilimoira, Cherny V, Fisher R. The COACH Program in General Practice: The Melbourne Division of General Practice Experience.

53rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
August 5-8, 2005, Perth, Western Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, O’Grady K, Rizzuto A, DL Hare, Hall G, Grigg LE, Calkin C, Dart AM, Best JD. The COACH Program sustains coronary risk factor improvement and adherence to recommended cardiovascular medications for at least 18 months after recruitment.
Heart Lung and Circulation 2005; 14: Suppl 1: 369.

Vale MJ, Sundararajan V, Best JD, Jelinek MV. The COACH Program reduces hospital readmissions by its impact on psychological, not biomedical risk factors – a paradigm shift. Heart Lung and Circulation 2005; 14: Suppl 1: 380.

European Society of Cardiology Congress 2005
September 3-7, 2005, Stockholm, Sweden

Vale MJ, Sundararajan V, Best JD, Jelinek MV. Four year follow-up of the multicentre randomised controlled trial of the COACH study shows that The COACH Program keeps patients out of hospital.

Divisions of General Practice Network Forum 2005
November 2-6, 2005, Perth, Western Australia

Burton L, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Cherny V, Fisher R. The COACH Program in General Practice: the first year’s experience.

Australian Resource Centre for Healthcare Innovations
Innovations in the Management and Clinical Care of Chronic and Complex Disease.
February 26, 2004, Perth, Western Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Hoesktra M, Rizzuto A, Thompson K, Grigg LE, Hare DL. The COACH Program: From Clinical Trials to Clinical Practice.

American Heart Association 2nd Scientific Conference on Compliance in Healthcare and Research.
May 17-19, 2004, Washington, DC, USA

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Hoekstra MB, Rizzuto A, Thompson K, Grigg LE, Hare DL. The COACH Program: From Clinical Trials to Clinical Practice.

8th World Congress of Cardiac Rehabilitation & Secondary Prevention
May 23-26, 2004, Dublin, Ireland

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Hoekstra MB, Rizzuto A, Thompson K, Grigg LE, Hare DL. The COACH Programme: From Clinical Trials to Clinical Practice Eur J Cardiovasc Prev & Rehab 2004; 11: Suppl 1: 030.

Melbourne Health Research Week at The Royal Melbourne Hospital
June 3-10, 2004, Melbourne

Hall G, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Hoekstra MB, Rizzuto A, Hare DL, Grigg LE. The COACH Program: From clinical trials to clinical practice. Melbourne Health Research Week Abstract Booklet 2004: 22.

2004 General Practice and Primary Health Care Research Conference
What’s [not] working? How do we know?
June 2-4, 2004, Brisbane, Australia.

Burton L, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Bilimoria N, Fisher R. The COACH Program in General Practice: The Melbourne Division of General Practice Experience.

The Australian Cardiac Rehabilitation Association 15th Annual Scientific Meeting & Exhibition Conference
August 5-8, 2004, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

Vale MV, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Hoekstra MB, Rizzuto A, Hare DL, Hall G, Grigg LE, Calkin C, Dart AM. Attendance at Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) in The COACH Program during 2003.

52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand
August 8-11, 2004, Brisbane, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Hoekstra MB, Rizzuto A, Thompson K, Grigg LE, Hare DL. Evaluation of The COACH Program in the ‘real world’.

Jelinek MV, Fisher JD, Vale MJ, Fletcher PJ. Late mortality and morbidity after acute coronary syndromes: The Hunter Area Heart and Stroke Register Experience.

Australian Divisions of General Practice Network Forum 2004
23-26 September, 2004, Adelaide, Australia

Burton L, Bilimoria N, Fisher R, Vale M, Jelinek M. The COACH Program in General Practice: The Melbourne Division of General Practice Experience.

77th Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association
November 7-10, 2004, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Vale MJ, Sundararajan V, Jelinek MV, Best JD. Four-year follow-up of the multicenter RCT of Coaching patients On Achieving Cardiovascular Health (The COACH Study) shows that The COACH Program keeps patients out of hospital. Circulation 2004; 110: Suppl:III-801.

Department of Human Services Meeting Patient Needs Achieving and Sustaining Practice Change Conference
May 20-22, 2003, Melbourne, Australia.

The Coach Program: A new method of bridging the gap in chronic disease.

13th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Cardiac Rehabilitation Association
August 7-9, 2003, Adelaide, South Australia

Hoekstra M, Rizzuto A, Thompson K, Best JD, Jelinek MV, Vale MJ. The COACH Program: From clinical trials to clinical practice.

St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne Research Week
September 8-10, 2003

Hoekstra M, Rizzuto A, Thompson K, Best JD, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV. The COACH Program: From Clinical Trials to Clinical Practice.

Austin Health Research Week
October 13-17, 2003, Melbourne, Australia

Rizzuto A, Hoekstra M, Thompson K, Best J, Jelinek MV, Vale M, Hare DL. The COACH Program: From Clinical Trial to Clinical Practice.

National Chronic Condition Self-Management Conference
Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing Sharing Health Care Initiative
November 12-14, 2003, Melbourne, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Hoekstra M, Rizzuto A, Thompson K, St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne. The COACH Program: From Clinical Trials to Clinical Practice.

XIVth World Congress of Cardiology
May 5-9, 2002, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Dart AM, Grigg LE, Hare DL, Ho BP, Newman RW, McNeil JJ. The Coach Program: A proven bridge across the treatment gap in coronary heart disease. Multicentre randomised controlled trial. JACC 2002; 39: Suppl: 15B.

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD. The treatment gap in coronary heart disease (CHD) in Victoria 1996-98; 1999-00: How many patients with established CHD are not achieving the target levels for their modifiable risk factors? Comparison with the UK, Europe & USA. JACC 2002; 39: Suppl: 376B.

Jelinek MV, Vale MJ, Best JD. Who drops out of risk factor trials? JACC 2002; 39: Suppl: 377B.

Hare DL, Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD. Telephone coaching improves quality of life after cardiac events: A multicentre, prospective, randomised study. JACC 2002; 39: Suppl: 449B.

Jelinek MV, Vale MJ, Hare DL, Best JD. Coaching or cardiac rehabilitation? Retrospective observations from the COACH study. JACC 2002; 39: Suppl: 453B.

International Cardiac Rehabilitation Satellite Symposium
May 9-11, 2002, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Di Giulio LV, Best JD. Coaching patients with coronary heart disease reduces serum lipids at 6 months. Is this effect sustained when coaching is discontinued?

XXIV Congress of the European Society of Cardiology
August 31 – September 4, 2002, Berlin, Germany

Jelinek MV, Vale MJ, Hare DL, Best JD, for the COACH study group. Is coaching a substitute for cardiac rehabilitation in the management of cardiac risk factors? Eur Heart J 2002; 4: Suppl: 631.

The 5th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology
May 27-31, 2001, Osaka, Japan

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Santamaria JD. A ‘coach’ for patients with coronary heart disease? A method to reduce the ‘treatment gap’: randomised controlled trial. JJCDP 2001; 36: Suppl: 23.

Vale MJ, Doherty NJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD. A software package for health professionals to assist patients in achieving secondary prevention targets. JJCDP 2001; 36: Suppl: 65.

49th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand
August 5-8, 2001, Auckland, New Zealand

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Dart AM, Grigg LE, Hare DL, Ho BP, Newman RW, McNeil JJ, for the COACH study group. Multicentre randomised controlled trial of coaching patients on achieving cardiovascular health (COACH); a proven method for bridging the
treatment gap in coronary heart disease. Heart Lung & Circulation 2001; 10: A106.

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Dart AM, Grigg LE, Hare DL, Ho BP, Newman RW, McNeil JJ, for the COACH study group. Multicentre randomised controlled trial of coaching patients on achieving cardiovascular health (COACH); secondary endpoints. Heart Lung
& Circulation 2001; 10: A139.

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, on behalf of the COACH study group. Treatment gaps in patients with established coronary heart disease in Melbourne 1997-1998; 1999-2000. Heart Lung & Circulation 2001; 10: A85.

Jelinek MV, Vale MJ, Hare DL, Best JD, on behalf of the COACH study group. Comparison of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) and coaching on risk factors in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). Heart Lung & Circulation 2001; 10: A121.

St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne Research Week
August 13 – 15, 2001

Presenter for Novartis Medical Awards for Clinical Research
Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Dart AM, Grigg LE, Hare DL, Ho BP, Newman RW, McNeil JJ, for the COACH study group. Multicentre randomised controlled trial of coaching patients on achieving cardiovascular health (COACH); a proven method for achieving risk factor targets in patients with coronary heart disease. St Vincent’s Hospital Research Week Abstract Booklet 2001: 10.

Jelinek MV, Vale MJ, Hare DL, Best JD, for the COACH study group. Secondary Prevention: Coaching or Cardiac Rehabilitation? St. Vincent’s Hospital Research Week Abstract Booklet 2001: 60.

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, for the COACH study group. The treatment gap in CHD in Victoria, Australia 1996-1998; 1999-2000: Comparison with the UK, Europe & USA. St. Vincent’s Hospital Research Week Abstract Booklet 2001: 63.

XXIII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology
September 1-5, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Dart AM, Grigg LE, Hare DL, Ho BP, Newman RW, McNeil JJ, for the COACH study group. Multicentre randomised controlled trial of coaching patients on achieving cardiovascular health (COACH): a proven method for achieving risk factor targets in patients with coronary heart disease. Eur Heart J 2001; 22: Suppl: 228.

74th Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association
November 11-14, 2001, Anaheim, California, USA

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Dart AM, Grigg LE, Hare DL, Ho BP, Newman RW, McNeil JJ, for the COACH study group. Multicenter randomized controlled trial of coaching patients on achieving cardiovascular health (COACH); a proven method for achieving risk factor targets in patients with coronary heart disease. Circulation 2001; 104: Suppl: II-391.

Jelinek MV, Vale MJ, Hare DL, Best JD, for the COACH study group. Is convalescent phase cardiac rehabilitation a springboard for risk factor reduction in patients with coronary heart disease? Observations from the COACH study. Circulation 2001; 104: Suppl: II-800.

48th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand
August 6-9, 2000, Melbourne, Australia

Vale MJ, Doherty NJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD. Coach Program (CP): A software package assisting health professionals to achieve secondary prevention targets in the Community. Heart Lung & Circulation 2000; 9: A139.

XXII Congress of the European Society of Cardiology
August 26-30, 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Santamaria JD. Do patients with coronary heart disease achieve better cholesterol results with a coach? Randomised controlled trial. Eur Heart J 2000; 21: Suppl: 220.

73rd Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association
November 12-15, 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Santamaria JD. Do patients with coronary heart disease achieve better cholesterol results with a Coach? Randomised controlled trial. Circulation 2000; 102: Suppl: II-874.

6th International Congress of Behavioural Medicine
November 15-18, 2000, Brisbane, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD, Santamaria JD. Do patients with coronary heart disease achieve better cholesterol results with a Coach? Randomised controlled trial. Int J Behav Med 2000; 7: Suppl 1: 41.

Vale MJ, Doherty NJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD. Coach Program (CP): A software package assisting health professionals to achieve secondary prevention targets in the community. Int J Behav Med 2000; 7: Suppl 1: 204.

Annual Victorian Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation, Presentation of Papers
July 22nd 1999, Epworth Hospital, Richmond, Victoria, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Santamaria JD, Best JD. Shared Care in Medical Practice (‘SCIMP’) to reduce cardiovascular risk factors.

47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
August 7-11, 1999, Wellington, New Zealand

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Santamaria JD, Best JD. Shared care in medical practice (‘SCIMP’) to reduce cardiovascular risk factors. Aust NZ J Med 2000; 30: 154.

St. Vincent’s Hospital Research Week
October 25-28 1999, St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne
Junior Investigator Medical Research Award

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Santamaria JD, Best JD. Randomised controlled trial of a secondary prevention officer in a tertiary hospital to coach cardiovascular patients by telephone: A new model for health care delivery in the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease.
St. Vincent’s Hospital Research Week Abstract Booklet 1999: 15.

Vale MJ, Doherty NJ, Jelinek MV, Best JD. The Coach Program: A software package assisting health professionals to achieve secondary prevention targets in the community. St. Vincent’s Hospital Research Week Abstract Booklet 1999: 100.

Annual Victorian Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation, Presentation of Papers
July 1998, Epworth Hospital, Richmond, Victoria, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Santamaria JD, Best JD. Coaching patients by telephone: creation of a secondary prevention officer in a tertiary hospital to facilitate shared care in medical practice; SCIMP.

46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand;
Best Practice Symposium – Secondary Prevention
August 2-5, 1998, Perth, WA, Australia

Vale MJ, Jelinek MV, Santamaria JD, Best JD. Coaching patients by telephone; creation of a secondary prevention officer in a tertiary hospital to facilitate shared care in medical practice: SCIMP. Aust NZ J Med 1999; 29: 123.


Why it’s

There is a ‘gap’ between the guideline recommended treatments patients with chronic disease should be receiving as against what they are actually receiving.

> Why it’s needed


The COACH Program leads the world with its innovative coaching prevention program for people with chronic disease.

> The COACH program


Australia’s most widely used coaching program for prevention of chronic disease.

> Health organisations
© Copyright 2025 - The COACH Program.