Unique features
A major distinguishing feature of The COACH Program compared with all other coaching programs is that coaches

Evidence is essential

The COACH Program - We know that it works.
We don't just believe that it works.

There is a common misconception that any program that follows up patients with empathetic health professionals and provides education on risk factors and medications will necessarily translate into reduced risk factors and improved outcomes in patients with chronic disease such as cardiovascular disease. Published evidence demonstrates the opposite. There is evidence that not just any coaching program works.

Unless a program has a solid evidence-base and has undergone rigorous testing, analogous to the rigorous testing required for a pharmaceutical in pharmaceutical trials, it is impossible to know whether it has any value in improving patient outcomes.

The vast majority of other available disease management programs have no trial evidence and are not evidence-based.


Why it’s

There is a ‘gap’ between the guideline recommended treatments patients with chronic disease should be receiving as against what they are actually receiving.

> Why it’s needed


The COACH Program leads the world with its innovative coaching prevention program for people with chronic disease.

> The COACH program


Australia’s most widely used coaching program for prevention of chronic disease.

> Health organisations
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